Dragon Nest Wiki


Icon Skill Type Price
link=File:{{{name}}} (Skill)
[[:Category:{{{category}}}|{{{category}}}]] {{{gold}}} Gold {{{silver}}} Silver {{{copper}}} Copper




Obtaining the Skill



  • {{{requisite}}}




|image= Skill icon image name, png only!
|category= Active Skill/Passive Skill
|gold= gold needed to obtain skill
|silver= silver needed to obtain skill
|copper= copper needed to obtain skill
|video= 11 character video URL from YouTube(YouTube only!!) Get the last 11 characters from the end of the video url.
(Example: For "youtube.com/watch?v=zHyfEvM6zlE" You would use "zHyfEvM6zlE". NOT the entire URL.)
|description= Description of the skill
|details= Further details about the skill go here
|obtain= Method to obtain skill
|requisite= Prerequisites to obtain the skill. Make bulleted list!
|rank= Use Template:Skillheader, Template:Skill and Template:Skillfooter in that order. See below for details on use.

Copy & paste the code below to any skill page



Key (For Skill Header)
|effect= The skill's effect (Ex. Physical Damage per Arrow, Critical Chance Increase)
|duration= *
|mana= *
|cooldown= *
|casstime= *
(*) These fields are optional. If they don't exist for your skill, put in "none" ("|duration=none" if there is no skill duration). Leave them there otherwise.


Key (For Skill Template)
|rank= Rank number that the row applies to.
|sp= How many SP is required to rank the skill.
|effect= Effects the skill gives you at that certain level.
|level= Level required to rank it to this rank. If no level is required (obtained upon character creation), leave the field blank.
|duration= How long the skill lasts (if it's a buff) (Format: 4.5s, 15s, etc).*
|mana= How much mana is consumed each time the skill is cast (Skills go by % of Base MP, so it should be written as "|mana=20%").*
|cooldown= Amount of time before the skill is reusable (Format: 4.5s, 15s, etc).*
|casttime= Amount of time it takes to cast the skill (Format: 4.5s, 15s, etc).*
(*) If there is no duration, mana cost, cast time or cooldown, delete the line. Leaving "|duration=" with no field will leave a cell with no space rather than no cell at all.
Use this code as many times as necessary for the table (Just paste it over and over again).


Key (For Skill Footer)
|sptotal= The total amount of SP required to rank the skill to its highest rank.
